The clever choice

Kodinportti touch screens offer substantial advantages for residents, property owners and constructors. Kodinportti adds up the value of the property, is durable and adds the comfort of living. The touch screen expands the possibilities of user interaction in displayed content and functions.

For example making reservations, changing the user language or selecting different news and notifications for reading wouldn't be possible without the touch-enabled screen. Kodinportti doesn't require large initial investments and it's continued use is also economical. The touch screen display needs only a standard speed internet connection and standard power outlet to operate. Kodinportti screens have a built in firewall and the internet connection can be in the property's common use. Kodinportti touch screen can be installed to both existing or newly built apartment buildings.

Data management and updates for touch-screens for Kodinportti are made easy with Kodinportaali remote access portal. Updating information for the screens doesn't require a physical visit to the locations. Multiple screens can be updated simultaneously if needed. This way the upkeep of screens can be cheaper than the traditional notice and bulletin boards.

Add comfort to living

Residents lists, notifications, information, house rules, bookings and weather forecasts and time tables for public transportation are all found easily on the screen. You'll keep contact with the residents with Kodinportti more efficiently than with traditional ways of communication. Residents can enjoy the information of the touch screens and in the remote access portal through an internet connection.

Reliable solution

Kodinportti is especially designed for the lobbies of apartment buildings adding class to the living environment. Touch-screens are designed to be durable and all the most important electric components inside have warranties up to 5 years (warranty options and lengths may vary upon different areas).

Kodinportti is a reliable solution for the future as the service includes many upcoming software updates including many future software improvements.